Catherine et Michel C
Hello everyone,
In order to answer your request for testimonials from adopters, here are photos of Una, renamed Bonnie.
We’ve had it for 10 days: 10 days of mutual discovery, happiness, laughter.
She is super nice, funny, smart, lively and curious by day, quiet at night, she sleeps like a baby until 9 am .
She won over our entire family, friends and colleagues.
The learning provided at the sanctuary is very valuable.
We appreciate the importance of pre-adoption interviews because if Bonnie is a perfect match for us, the converse is also true and the daily interactions make us marvel and laugh constantly.
The description of Bonnie given during the 2nd telephone interview corresponds perfectly to her personality, we had no bad surprises, quite the contrary!
Thank you to all DOI volunteers and stakeholders for your excellent work and dedication!
Catherine et Michel C